Now that the holiday season is over and the snow and cold is no longer festive it can sometimes be a struggle to enjoy the remains of the winter. Luckily for those in Kingston FebFest is a welcome opportunity to embrace winter again. .
FebFest has been growing steadily in Kingston for the last few years drawing larger and larger crowds. For FebFest 2010 events will run for a week, starting Monday Feb. 1st with this finishing up on Sunday Feb 7th.
Hockey and skating are the main highlights of the Festival with the OHL all-star classic, Stanley Cup display, free skates and the ice show Imagination on Ice with Elvis Stojko.
However there are many other activities such as a snow sculpture competition and the Flying Canucks that make it a great time for even the non-hockey crowd.
More information can be found here
For out-of-towners I found a getaway package just for Febfest - check it out >>